Group Aid and Scholarship
Criteria &
Eligibility Information
Group applicants in the following categories (and not limited to) are invited to apply:
Scope of Work: Nonprofit organizations and agencies committed to serving one or more of the following clients and communities:
self-identify as LGTBQIA+
unhoused, refugees, immigrants
members of the global majority
living in areas affected by poverty or a scarcity of mental health or health resources
recently affected by high incidences of community violence or natural disasters
Lack of Funding: Organizations with a demonstrated lack of consistent funding streams and encounter one or more of the following challenges:
unable to provide tuition reimbursement for Continuing Education
only able to provide their clinicians with less than $250 tuition reimbursement annually
able to provide continuing education/professional development hours but not financial contributions to training costs
Staffing Challenges: Nonprofit organizations and agencies who encounter one or more of the following challenges:
exhibit high turnover in staff and low clinician retention rates
employ a majority of clinicians with less than five years of clinical experience
Purchasing Power Limitations: Groups joining from outside of the United States whose currency’s purchasing power does not support the attendance of their staff.
Please review the following guidelines before applying:
Previous Applicants: Prior recipients of group scholarships are eligible to reapply every two years and may be considered if the budget allows.
Award Notification: Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than one month before the start of the first course.
Course Limitations: Please note that there will be a limited number of seats per course.
At times, but not always, we will be able to support multiple employees attending the same course.
If a full scholarship for 10+ staff is awarded, we encourage organizations to ask staff to choose the course/content most applicable to a clinician's current client base or work.
If an organization is selected for a group scholarship, a Cape Cod Institute staff member will reach out to organize the registration process and discuss course availability.